
The ssl library implements (most of) the LuaSec API.

ssl.wrap(sock, config)

Wrap a socket with a TLS Stream

class ssl.CertificateTable

Both the certificate and key field can either be a relative path pointing to a file in the driver package or the contents as a string formatted in the PEM format.

certificate: str

The certificate

key: str

Optional private key, should only be set in 1 of the certificates list

password: str

Optional password

class ssl.SslConfig
mode: str

client or server

protocol: str


cafile: str

The contents of the certificate authority’s root cert or relative path to the root cert file

capath: str

A path to the certificate authority directory

certificates: list[CertificateTable]

list of certificates

verify: str

One of none, peer, fail_if_no_peer_cert, or client_once

depth: integer

The depth to verify

options: list[str]

“all” | “allow_unsafe_legacy_renegotiation” | “cipher_server_preference” | “cookie_exchange” | “dont_insert_empty_fragments” | “no_compression” | “no_dtlsv1” | “no_dtlsv1_2” | “no_query_mtu” | “no_session_resumption_on_renegotiation” | “no_ssl_mask” | “no_sslv2” | “no_sslv3” | “no_ticket” | “no_tlsv1” | “no_tlsv1_1” | “no_tlsv1_2” | “single_dh_use” | “single_ecdh_use” | “tls_rollback_bug”