Matter Data Types

This is the base type of the DataType classes. It is abstract and not instantiable itself, and contains no functionality but defines the interface.

class st.matter.data_types.DataType

A generic class defining the interface shared across all Matter data types

NAME: str

pretty print class name

ID: number

the Matter data type ID for this data type


Pack this DataType


the byte representation of this DataType length of byte_length

Return type


static deserialize(bytes, field_name)

Parse this DataType from a string of bytes

  • bytes (str) – the bytes containing the st.matter.data_types.DataType only byte_length bytes will be consumed extra will be ignored

  • field_name (str) – optional name of this field (used when pretty_printing)


the parsed version of DataType

Return type



Get the length in bytes of this DataType


the byte length of this DataType

Return type



Format this DataType in a human readable way


A human readable string of this DataType

Return type



class st.matter.data_types.NullABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the NullABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as nil.

static new_mt(base)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Null


base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented


The meta table containing the functionality for this type class

Return type


class st.matter.data_types.Null: st.matter.data_types.NullABC
ID: number


NAME: str


value: nil

this data type has no body


class st.matter.data_types.DataABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the DataABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as a generic byte string as the direct structure is not known or not storable in another way. In general these are the Matter data types Data8-Data64 represented by IDs 0x08-0x0F. However, due to limitations of lua numbers, numeric types of 64 bit length use this base as well.

static new_mt(base, byte_length)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Data field

  • base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented

  • byte_length (number) – the length in bytes of this Data field

class st.matter.data_types.Int64: st.matter.data_types.DataABC

64 bits long and signed. In this case our number is signed so we could possibly use a native number However, to maintain consistency with all other 64 bit Matter types we actually inherit from the DataABC Matter type and store the bytes of the number directly. Thus usage of this will be different.

ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: str

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type

class st.matter.data_types.Uint64: st.matter.data_types.DataABC

64 bits long and unsigned. We inherit from the DataABC matter type and store the bytes of the number directly. Thus usage of this will be different

ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: str

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type


class st.matter.data_types.BooleanABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the BooleanABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as a boolean.

static new_mt(base)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Boolean


base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented


The meta table containing the functionality for this type class

Return type


class st.matter.data_types.Boolean: st.matter.data_types.BooleanABC
ID: number


ExtendedID: number

0x09 allows too element types to map to the same data type

NAME: str


value: boolean

The value of this boolean data type

Bitmap and Enum

Bitmaps and Enum values are represented as unsigned integers


class st.matter.data_types.UintABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the UintABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as an unsigned number. In general these are the Matter data types Uint8-Uint56 represented by IDs 0x20-0x26. Uint64 has to be treated differently due to lua limitations. In addition there are several other ID types that derive their behavior from Uint as well.

static new_mt(base, byte_length)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Uint

  • base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented

  • byte_length (number) – the length in bytes of this Uint

class st.matter.data_types.Uint8: st.matter.data_types.UintABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: number

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type

class st.matter.data_types.Uint16: st.matter.data_types.UintABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: number

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type

class st.matter.data_types.Uint32: st.matter.data_types.UintABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: number

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type


class st.matter.data_types.IntABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the IntABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as a signed number. In general these are the Matter data types Int8-Int56 represented by IDs 0x28-0x2E. Int64 has to be treated differently due to lua limitations.

static new_mt(base, byte_length)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Int

  • base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented

  • byte_length (number) – the length in bytes of this Int

class st.matter.data_types.Int8: st.matter.data_types.IntABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: number

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type

class st.matter.data_types.Int16: st.matter.data_types.IntABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: number

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type

class st.matter.data_types.Int32: st.matter.data_types.IntABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


value: number

This is the actual value of the instance of the data type

Floating Points

class st.matter.data_types.FloatABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

This represents a number of the form (1 + mantissa) * 2 ^ exponent with some exceptions see the Matter spec for further details

mantissa: number

The fractional component of the number

exponent: number

The exponent for 2

sign: number

either 1 if the value is negative or 0 if positive

static new_mt(base, byte_length, mantissa_bit_length, exponent_bit_length)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Float field

  • base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented

  • byte_length (number) – the length in bytes of this Float field

  • mantissa_bit_length (number) – the number of bits to use for the mantissa field

  • exponent_bit_length (number) – the number of bits to use for the exponent field

class st.matter.data_types.SinglePrecisionFloat: st.matter.data_types.FloatABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


mantissa_bit_length: number


exponent_bit_length: number


class st.matter.data_types.DoublePrecisionFloat: st.matter.data_types.FloatABC
ID: number


NAME: str


byte_length: number


mantissa_bit_length: number


exponent_bit_length: number



class st.matter.data_types.StringABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the StringABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as a string. These are the Matter data types UTF-8 String, 1-octet length, UTF-8 String, 2-octet length, UTF-8 String, 4-octet length, and UTF-8 String, 8-octet length.

static new_mt(base, length_byte_length)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter String

  • base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented

  • length_byte_length (number) – the length of the encoded byte_length of this String

class st.matter.data_types.OctetString1: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

1 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.OctetString2: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

1 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.OctetString4: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

1 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.OctetString8: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

1 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.UTF8String1: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

1 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.UTF8String2: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

2 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.UTF8String4: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

4 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

class st.matter.data_types.UTF8String8: st.matter.data_types.StringABC
ID: number


NAME: str


length_byte_length: number

8 (This is the number of bytes the length description takes)

byte_length: number

the length of this string (not including the length bytes)

value: str

The string representation of this field (note this does not include the length bytes)

Container Types

class st.matter.data_types.ArrayABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the ArrayABC class represent Matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as a Lua-native 1-indexed table of Matter data types all of the same type.

static new_mt(base)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a Matter Array


base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented


The meta table containing the functionality for this type class

Return type


class st.matter.data_types.Array: st.matter.data_types.ArrayABC
ID: number

0x16 (aka Matter Element Type)

NAME: str


value: table

the list of elements in this array

class st.matter.data_types.StructureABC: st.matter.data_types.DataType

Classes being created using the StructureABC class represent matter data types whose lua “value” is stored as an array of matter data types each of which can be a separate type.

static new_mt(base)

This function will create a new metatable with the appropriate functionality for a matter Structure


base (table) – the base meta table, this will include the ID and NAME of the type being represented


The meta table containing the functionality for this type class

Return type


class st.matter.data_types.Structure: st.matter.data_types.StructureABC
ID: number


NAME: str


elements: table

the list of elements in this structure