Zigbee Driver RX message handlers

These are handlers that can be used to handle any incoming ZigbeeMessageRx. In general, there are 4 common types of handlers that can be simply defined and automatically handled by the driver infrastructure. These are:

  1. ZCL attribute value handlers

  2. ZCL global command handlers

  3. ZCL cluster specific command handlers

  4. ZDO handlers.

A further description of each is provided below.

In order for one of these message handlers to be registered, the driver will provide a table with the registrations included in it. There are also included a number of default handlers that can be registered based on a list of capabilities. This can be done using:

local defaults = require "st.zigbee.defaults"
defaults.register_for_default_handlers(driver_template, { capabilities.switch, capabilities.switchLevel })

These defaults can be overridden explicitly, never registered, or left as-is and expanded by registering additional handlers. The following is an example of additional handlers added in a driver:

local generate_event_from_zone_status = function(driver, device, zone_status)
  capabilities.emit_event(device, driver.capability_socket, (zone_status:is_alarm1_set() or zone_status:is_alarm2_set()) and capabilities.WaterSensor.water.wet() or capabilities.WaterSensor.water.dry())

local ias_zone_status_attr_handler = function(driver, device, attr_val)
  generate_event_from_zone_status(driver, device, ZoneStatus(attr_val.value))

local ias_zone_status_change_handler = function(driver, device, zigbee_message)
  generate_event_from_zone_status(driver, device, zigbee_message.body.zone_status)

handlers = {
  global = {},
  cluster = {
    [IASZone.ID] = {
      [IASZone.commands.server.ZoneStatusChangeNotification.ID] = ias_zone_status_change_handler
  attr = {
    [IASZone.ID] = {
      [IASZone.attributes.ZoneStatus.ID] = ias_zone_status_attr_handler
  zdo = {}

-- This handlers table could then be used with the zigbee driver utils to register/build a driver

Here we are adding one cluster specific handler and one attribute handler. Both are for handling zone status values. You can see the defaults doc for additional information on what defaults are available and how they are used.

ZCL attribute value handler

The following is a prototype definition of an attribute handler:

zcl_attribute_value_handler(driver, device, attr_val, zb_rx)

Handle an attribute value sent from the device (either via a read attribute response or a report attribute global message).

  • driver (Driver) – the driver context

  • device (Device) – the device reporting the attribute

  • attr_val (st.zigbee.DataType) – the attribute value

  • zb_rx (st.zigbee.ZigbeeMessageRx) – the full Zigbee message this value is being extracted from

If this handler type is registered, it will be nested as follows: “attr”->cluster_id->attribute_id->handler, that is, it is named as an “attr” handler, then it is associated with a specific cluster and attribute. When either a read attribute response or report attribute message is received matching the cluster and attribute, that value will be passed into the handler function on receipt. Note that a read attribute response value will only call the handler if the status was success.

Below is an example. By default this is registered for cluster 0x0006 (On Off cluster) attribute 0x0000 (On Off attribute) if the “Switch” capability is listed as supported.

local OnOff = (require "st.zigbee.zcl.clusters").OnOff
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"

--- Default handler for on off attribute on the on off cluster
--- This converts the boolean value from true -> Switch.switch.on and false to Switch.switch.off.
--- @param driver Driver The current driver running containing necessary context for execution
--- @param device ZigbeeDevice The device this message was received from containing identifying information
--- @param value Boolean the value of the On Off cluster On Off attribute
local on_off_attr_handler = function (driver, device, value)
  local attr = capabilities.switch.switch
  device:emit_event(value.value and attr.on() or attr.off())

local zigbee_handlers = {
    attr = {
      [OnOff.ID] = {
        [OnOff.attributes.OnOff.ID] = on_off_attr_handler

ZCL global command handler

Below is a prototype function defining a global command handler:

zcl_global_command_handler(driver, device, zb_rx)

Handle a ZCL message using a global command.

  • driver (Driver) – the driver context

  • device (Device) – the device reporting the attribute

  • zb_rx (st.zigbee.ZigbeeMessageRx) – the Zigbee message received

If this handler type is registered it will be nested as follows: “global”->cluster_id->command_id->handler, that is, it is named as a “global” handler, then it is associated with a specific cluster and command. When a message is received matching the cluster and command, and the frame control cluster specific flag is false, the entire parsed ZigbeeMessageRx will be passed into the handler.

Below is an example of a method that will handle any read or report attribute message on the SmartThings-specific acceleration cluster 0xFC04. This is done as a global command handler instead of an attribute handler because we expect to receive and want to act on multiple attribute reports in a single message, not a single attribute value.

local zcl_commands = require "st.zigbee.zcl.global_commands"
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"

--- Handler for SmartThings multi sensor threeAxis acceleration events
--- This is a report attribute message handler and if there are values present for each of the x y and z axis
--- accelerations a threeAxis event will be generated
--- @param driver Driver The current driver running containing necessary context for execution
--- @param device st.zigbee.Device The device this message was received from containing identifying information
--- @param zbrx st.zigbee.ZigbeeMessageRx the message that matched the cluster and command
local function three_axis_report_handler(driver, device, zbrx)
  local x, y, z
  for i,v in ipairs(zbrx.body.zcl_body.attr_records) do
    if (v.attr_id.value == 0x0012) then
      x = v.data.value
    elseif (v.attr_id.value == 0x0013) then
      y = v.data.value
    elseif (v.attr_id.value == 0x0014) then
      z = v.data.value
  if x ~= nil and y ~= nil and z ~= nil then
    device:emit_event(capabilities.threeAxis.threeAxis({value ={x, y, z}}))

local zigbee_handlers = {
    global = {
      [0xFC02] = {
        [zcl_commands.ReportAttribute.ID] = three_axis_report_handler

ZCL cluster command handler

Below is a prototype defining the ZCL cluster command handler:

zcl_cluster_command_handler(driver, device, zb_rx)

Handle a ZCL message using a cluster specific command.

  • driver (Driver) – the driver context

  • device (Device) – the device reporting the attribute

  • zb_rx (st.zigbee.ZigbeeMessageRx) – the Zigbee message received

If this handler type is registered it will be nested as follows: “cluster”->cluster_id->command_id->handler, that is, it is named as an “cluster” handler, then it is associated with a specific cluster and command. When either a message is received matching the cluster and command, and the frame control cluster specific flag is true, the entire parsed ZigbeeMessageRx will be passed into the handler.

A common example for a driver would be handling the Zone Status Change Notification command on the IAS Zone cluster. That is a cluster specific command that will need handling on devices that use it. However, a default handler is not included because that message does not map to a single event type but is instead device-specific. Below is an example of one such handler for a moisture sensor:

local IASZone = (require "st.zigbee.zcl.clusters").IASZone
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"

--- Handler for the cluster specific command ZoneStatusChangeNotification on the IASZone
--- @param driver Driver The current driver running containing necessary context for execution
--- @param device ZigbeeDevice The device this message was received from containing identifying information
--- @param zb_rx ZigbeeMessageRx the Zigbee message received
local ias_zone_status_change_handler = function(driver, device, zb_rx)
  local zone_status = zb_rx.body.zcl_body.zone_status
      (zone_status:is_alarm1_set() or zone_status:is_alarm2_set()) and
          capabilities.waterSensor.water.wet() or

local zigbee_handlers = {
        cluster = {
          [IASZone.ID] = {
            [IASZone.commands.server.ZoneStatusChangeNotification.ID] = ias_zone_status_change_handler

ZDO command handler

Below is a prototype function defining a zdo handler:

zdo_handler(driver, device, zb_rx)

Handle a ZCL message using a global command.


If this handler type is registered it will be nested as follows: “zdo”->cluster_id->handler, that is, it is named as an “zdo” handler, then it is associated with a specific cluster. When a message is received matching the cluster and profile (zdo) the entire parsed ZigbeeMessageRx will be passed into the handler. One potential example of this is to look at some devices binding table to find group membership. Here is an example:

local function zdo_binding_table_handler(driver, device, zb_rx)
  for _, binding_table in pairs(zb_rx.body.zdo_body.binding_table_entries) do
    if binding_table.dest_addr_mode.value == binding_table.DEST_ADDR_MODE_SHORT then
      -- Do something with the group membership

local zigbee_handlers = {
  zdo = {
    [mgmt_bind_resp.MGMT_BIND_RESPONSE] = zdo_binding_table_handler