Power Meter

class st.zigbee.defaults.powerMeter.ActivePowerConfiguration
cluster: number

ElectricalMeasurement ID 0x0B04

attribute: number

ActivePower ID 0x050B

minimum_interval: number

1 seconds

maximum_interval: number

3600 seconds (1 hour)

data_type: st.zigbee.data_types.Int16

the Int16 class

reportable_change: number

1 (some amount of W, dependent on multiplier and divisor)

class st.zigbee.defaults.powerMeter.InstantaneousDemandConfiguration
cluster: number

SimpleMetering ID 0x0702

attribute: number

InstantaneousDemand ID 0x0400

minimum_interval: number

1 seconds

maximum_interval: number

3600 seconds (1 hour)

data_type: st.zigbee.data_types.Int24

the Int24 class

reportable_change: number

1 (some amount of W, dependent on multiplier and divisor)

class st.zigbee.defaults.powerMeter
zigbee_handlers: table
attribute_configurations: table
capability_handlers: table
default_active_power_configuration: st.zigbee.defaults.powerMeter.ActivePowerConfiguration
default_instantaneous_demand_configuration: st.zigbee.defaults.powerMeter.InstantaneousDemandConfiguration
static electrical_measurement_divisor_handler(driver, device, divisor, zb_rx)

Default handler for ACPowerDivisor attribute on ElectricalMeasurement cluster

This will take the Uint16 value of the ACPowerDivisor on the ElectricalMeasurement cluster and set the devices field constants.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_DIVISOR_KEY to the value. This will then be used in the default handling of the ActivePower attribute

static electrical_measurement_multiplier_handler(driver, device, multiplier, zb_rx)

Default handler for ACPowerMultiplier attribute on ElectricalMeasurement cluster

This will take the Uint16 value of the ACPowerMultiplier on the ElectricalMeasurement cluster and set the devices field constants.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_MULTIPLIER_KEY to the value. This will then be used in the default handling of the ActivePower attribute

static active_power_meter_handler(driver, device, value, zb_rx)

Default handler for ActivePower attribute on ElectricalMeasurement cluster

This converts the Int16 instantaneous demand into the powerMeter.power capability event. This will check the device for values set in the constants.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_MULTIPLIER_KEY and constants.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_DIVISOR_KEY to convert the raw value to the correctly scaled values. These fields should be set by reading the values from the same cluster

static simple_metering_divisor_handler(driver, device, divisor, zb_rx)

Default handler for Divisor attribute on SimpleMetering cluster

This will take the Int24 value of the Divisor on the SimpleMetering cluster and set the devices field constants.SIMPLE_METERING_DIVISOR_KEY to the value. This will then be used in the default handling of the InstantaneousDemand attribute

static simple_metering_multiplier_handler(driver, device, multiplier, zb_rx)

Default handler for Multiplier attribute on SimpleMetering cluster

This will take the Int24 value of the Multiplier on the SimpleMetering cluster and set the devices field constants.SIMPLE_METERING_MULTIPLIER_KEY to the value. This will then be used in the default handling of the InstantaneousDemand attribute

static instantaneous_demand_handler(driver, device, value, zb_rx)

Default handler for InstantaneousDemand attribute on SimpleMetering cluster

This converts the Int24 instantaneous demand into the powerMeter.power capability event. This will check the device for values set in the constants.SIMPLE_METERING_MULTIPLIER_KEY and constants.SIMPLE_METERING_DIVISOR_KEY to convert the raw value to the correctly scaled values. These fields should be set by reading the values from the same cluster
