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Embedded Device Configurations


Embedded Device Configurations are currently only supported by Edge Drivers.

Embedded Device Configurations allow Device Configurations to be embedded in the Device Profile itself. This allows for UI customizations in the SmartThings clients (such as the mobile app) without the need to explicitly create and reference A Device Presentation in your Device Profile.

When you embed your Device Configuration in your Edge Driver, the SmartThings platform will automatically generate a Device Presentation based on your Embedded Device Configuration when you package your driver, and associate that Presentation vid with your Edge Driver. To update your Embedded Device Configuration, change your Device Profile as desired, then repackage your Driver - the platform will automatically generate a new Device Presentation based on your changes.

Defining Your Configuration

Elements of an Embedded Device Configuration can be defined in the device profile with the config property name. These definitions are used to modify the default generated device configuration. The config property can be attached to individual capability declarations, where it is applied to that capability in every section of the device configuration.


Below you can find examples of Embedded Device Configurations in use in various device profiles.

Numeric Range Attached to a Capability

The following example shows a device with a custom color temperature range, with the config property being attached to the capability definition in the device profile (note that some generated configuration values are omitted for brevity).


This example is not intended to be comprehensive. It shows only the range property; all other device configuration properties, such as enabledValues and patch, may also be set in this way.

Enumerated Values Omitted From List

The example below demonstrates omitting enumerated values that a particular device may not support.

For example, the thermostatOperatingState capability has possible values of cooling, fan only, heating, idle, pending cool, pending heat, and vent economizer. By listing only the values the device supports, we can eliminate any values the device does not support from appearing as options in the SmartThings app. The following example will show only the values cooling, fan only, heating, and idle:

- id: main
- id: thermostatOperatingState
- key: "thermostatOperatingState.value"
- cooling
- fan only
- heating
- idle

Since the thermostatOperatingState capability does not define any commands, it does not have an automations/commands section. If it did, that section would also contain only these same four values.

Setter Command and Attribute Values

Capabilities with enumerated attribute values and a setter command to update that attribute can require separate lists for the attribute and command values. For example, your thermostat may have off, heat, and eco modes, but the user is only able to set the mode to off or heat - the thermostat itself determines when eco mode is set.

In the example embedded config and resulting device configuration for thermostatMode below, all three modes will appear as possible automation triggers, but only off and heat will be able to be set in the detail view or automation actions. Note that the values item with the attribute key (setThermostatMode) is included in the automation actions section.

- label: main
id: main
- id: thermostatMode
- key: thermostatMode.value
- off
- heat
- eco
- key: setThermostatMode
- off
- heat

Enum Commands and Attributes Values

Some capabilities, such as alarm, do not have a setter command but do have multiple “enum commands” that change the values of an attribute. The set of possible values for them can be constrained using the {{enumCommands}} key:

- label: main
id: main
- id: alarm
- key: alarm.value
- off
- siren
- key: "{{enumCommands}}"
- off
- siren