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Device Handler Types Reference

Every device using SmartThings Schema must be associated with a device handler type. This indicates the Capabilities available on the device.

If your needs are not met by one of the pre-made Device Profiles below, you can create a custom Capability for your Device Profile. You can create any number of device profiles in your developer workspace project and use the relevant ID as the value for the deviceHandlerType field for each device in your Discovery Response. Once your integration is ready for submission through the Developer Workspace, create a ticket containing all of the device profiles IDs used for your devices in your integration for our support team to review and publish.


The Health Check and Refresh Capabilities are mandatory for each Device Profile.


"headers": { ... },
"devices": [
"externalDeviceId": "...",
"friendlyName": "...",
"manufacturerInfo": { ... }
"deviceHandlerType": "c2c-switch-power"
}, ]

This page serves as a reference for the supported device handler types and their associated Capabilities.

Device Handler Types Reference

c2c-arrivalPresence Sensor, Battery
c2c-arrival-2Presence Sensor, Battery, Tone
c2c-arrival-3Presence Sensor
c2c-button-2Button, Battery
c2c-button-3Button, Holdable Button
c2c-button-4Button, Holdable Button, Battery
c2c-cameraVideo Camera, Video Capture, Buffered Video Capture, Switch
c2c-camera-2Image Capture
c2c-camera-3Video Camera, Video Capture, Video Stream, Motion Sensor, Signal Strength, Switch
c2c-camera-4Video Camera, Video Capture, Video Stream, Motion Sensor, Signal Strength, Switch, Sound Sensor
c2c-camera-5Video Camera, Video Capture, Video Stream, Motion Sensor, Signal Strength, Switch, Sound Sensor, Battery
c2c-camera-rtsp-1Motion Sensor, Switch, Sound Sensor, Image Capture, Camera Event, Video Stream
c2c-camera-rtsp-2Motion Sensor, Image Capture, Video Stream
c2c-camera-rtsp-3Motion Sensor, Video Stream
c2c-camera-webrtc-1Motion Sensor, Switch, Sound Sensor, Image Capture, Camera Event, WebRTC
c2c-camera-webrtc-2Motion Sensor, Image Capture, WebRTC
c2c-camera-webrtc-3Motion Sensor, WebRTC
c2c-carbon-monoxideCarbon Monoxide Detector
c2c-carbon-monoxide-2Carbon Monoxide Detector, Battery, Tamper Alert
c2c-carbon-monoxide-3Carbon Monoxide Detector, Battery
c2c-color-temperature-bulbSwitch, Switch Level, Color Temperature
c2c-contactContact Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement
c2c-contact-2Contact Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Acceleration Sensor
c2c-contact-3Contact Sensor, Battery
c2c-contact-4Contact Sensor, Door Control, Garage Door Control
c2c-contact-5Contact Sensor, Battery, Tamper Alert
c2c-dimmerSwitch, Switch Level
c2c-dimmer-2Switch, Switch Level, Battery
c2c-dimmer-3Switch, Switch Level, Battery, Temperature Measurement
c2c-dimmer-energySwitch, Switch Level, Energy Meter
c2c-dimmer-powerSwitch, Switch Level, Power Meter
c2c-dimmer-power-energySwitch, Switch Level, Power Meter, Energy Meter
c2c-doorbellButton, Motion Sensor, Battery
c2c-doorbell-2Button, Motion Sensor, Switch, Image Capture
c2c-doorbell-3Button, Motion Sensor
c2c-fan-controller-2speedSwitch, Fan Speed[1,2]
c2c-fan-controller-3speedSwitch, Fan Speed[1,2,3]
c2c-fan-controller-4speedSwitch, Fan Speed[1,2,3,4]
c2c-humidityRelative Humidity Measurement, Battery, Temperature Measurement
c2c-humidity-2Relative Humidity Measurement, Battery
c2c-leakWater Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement
c2c-leak-2Water Sensor, Battery
c2c-leak-3Water Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Tamper Alert
c2c-lock-2Lock, Battery
c2c-lock-3Lock, Battery, Temperature Measurement
c2c-motionMotion Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement
c2c-motion-2Motion Sensor, Battery
c2c-motion-3Motion Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Acceleration Sensor, Illuminance Measurement, Tamper Alert, Ultraviolet Index
c2c-motion-4Motion Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Acceleration Sensor, Illuminance Measurement
c2c-motion-5Motion Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Illuminance Measurement, Tamper Alert
c2c-motion-6Motion Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Relative Humidity Measurement, Illuminance Measurement
c2c-motion-7Motion Sensor, Battery, Temperature Measurement, Relative Humidity Measurement, Illuminance Measurement, Ultraviolet Index, Power Source, Tamper Alert
c2c-music-playerMusic Player, Switch
c2c-music-player-2Music Player, Switch, Audio Notification
c2c-rgb-color-bulbSwitch, Switch Level, Color Control
c2c-rgbw-color-bulbSwitch, Switch Level, Color Control, Color Temperature
c2c-shadeWindow Shade, Switch, Switch Level
c2c-sirenAlarm, Switch
c2c-siren-3Alarm, Switch, Battery
c2c-smokeSmoke Detector, Battery
c2c-smoke-2Smoke Detector
c2c-smoke-coCarbon Monoxide Detector, Smoke Detector, Battery
c2c-smoke-co-2Carbon Monoxide Detector, Smoke Detector
c2c-smoke-co-3Carbon Monoxide Detector, Smoke Detector, Battery, Power Source, Color Control, Switch, Switch Level, Relative Humidity Measurement, Temperature Measurement
c2c-switch-energySwitch, Energy Meter
c2c-switch-powerSwitch, Power Meter
c2c-switch-power-energySwitch, Power Meter, Energy Meter
c2c-switch-presenceSwitch, Presence Sensor
c2c-valve-2Valve, Battery, Power Source
c2c-valve-3Valve, Switch
c2c-videoDoorbell-rtsp-1Button, Motion Sensor, Switch, Sound Sensor, Image Capture, Camera Event, Video Stream
c2c-videoDoorbell-rtsp-2Button, Motion Sensor, Switch, Sound Sensor, Battery, Image Capture, Camera Event, Video Stream
c2c-videoDoorbell-rtsp-3Button, Motion Sensor, Battery, Image Capture, Video Stream
c2c-videoDoorbell-rtsp-4Button, Motion Sensor, Battery, Video Stream
c2c-videoDoorbell-rtsp-5Button, Motion Sensor, Video Stream
c2c-videoDoorbell-webrtc-1Button, Motion Sensor, Switch, Sound Sensor, Image Capture, Camera Event, WebRTC
c2c-videoDoorbell-webrtc-2Button, Motion Sensor, Switch, Sound Sensor, Battery, Image Capture, Camera Event, WebRTC
c2c-videoDoorbell-webrtc-3Button, Motion Sensor, Battery, Image Capture, WebRTC
c2c-videoDoorbell-webrtc-4Button, Motion Sensor, Battery, WebRTC
c2c-videoDoorbell-webrtc-5Button, Motion Sensor, WebRTC