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Publish Your Cloud Connected Devices

Before you can publish your Cloud Connected Devices to the public SmartThings catalog, you will need to get your devices Works with SmartThings certified (WWST). WWST certification provides a host of benefits for both partners and consumers - we encourage you to read more about WWST certification in the certification section.


While multiple devices with unique features can connect to SmartThings through a single Schema integration, each unique device must be certified.

Below, you can find a high-level overview of the Works with SmartThings certification process for Cloud Connected Devices using a Schema integration:

  1. Build and Test Your Schema Integration
    Develop your SmartThings Schema integration for your Cloud Connected Device(s). Be sure to thoroughly test each device you intend to submit for certification.
  2. Submit Your Certification Request in the Certification Console
    Create a certification request in the Certification Console and add your product information. Each device you intend to certify must be included in your submission.
  3. Ship Your Device
    Your certification request will be passed to an Authorized Test Provider, who will issue a price quote for certifying your device. After accepting your quote, ship your device to the Authorized Test Provider according to the instructions (may vary based on region).
  4. Certification Testing
    Once the Test Provider has received your device, they will begin certification testing. Test results will be delivered to you within 10 working days. If a re-test is required, a quote for additional tests will be issued.
  5. Publish Your Device
    Your product will automatically be published in the SmartThings catalog once certified, and you will be permitted to use the WWST logo and press kit. Please contact us at if you would like to schedule an alternative publishing date.

You can find more details about each step in the certification section.

Get Started

Start the certification process in the Certification Console. Here you will link your products to your Schema integration and provide branding information to be displayed to users.

Included in Your Console Submission

When submitting a certification request, you will be asked to provide the following information:

✅ Product

Your product is the device you are seeking to certify. When creating a new product in the Certification Console, you will define unique attributes of your device, including your product name, model number, and description.

You will also be asked to provide integration details, including your Cloud Connector, device profile, distribution locations, and more.

✅ Brand

Your company brand name and logo are displayed in the SmartThings app, where users can discover and integrate with your device. Your company can have more than one brand displayed in the SmartThings app, but each device can only appear under a single brand name. If you have devices under different brands, you will need to create and register additional Schema integrations for the additional brand(s).

Next Steps

After you submit your certification request, SmartThings will review your request and contact you with your next steps. Read about the certification review process in-depth in Apply for Certification.


Associate an Existing Cloud Connector with an Organization

If you are trying to certify a previously created Schema Cloud Connector and do not see your Cloud Connector listed in the Certification Console when creating a Product, you may need to associate your Cloud Connector with an Organization. The new Developer Center, including the new Certification Console, utilize Organizations to enable better collaboration with team members. If your existing Schema Cloud Connector does not appear in the Certification Console when creating a Product, your Cloud Connector may not be associated with an Organization.

In order to migrate your existing Cloud Connectors to the Certification Console, you must associate each Cloud Connector with an Organization. Once linked, your Cloud Connectors will appear across the Developer Center tools.


The association must be completed by the current owner of the Schema Cloud Connector. Some legacy Schema Cloud Connectors may require SmartThings support to perform the migration. If you are not the owner or are experiencing an error, contact for support.

Before getting started:

  • Make sure you have access to the Samsung account that originally created the Cloud Connector you want to migrate.

  • Install the SmartThings Command Line Interface (CLI) tool on your development machine. You will need SmartThings CLI v1.10 or greater to run the CLI commands listed in the following steps.

  • You will also need to be a member of the Organization you wish to associate your Cloud Connector with. Visit or run the following SmartThings CLI command to view a list of Organizations associated with your Samsung account:

    smartthings organizations

    You can view your existing Cloud Connectors and their associated Organization IDs (if any) with the following SmartThings CLI command:

    smartthings schema

To associate your Schema Cloud Connector with your Developer Center Organization:

  1. Install the SmartThings Command Line Interface (CLI) tool.

  2. Open a terminal on your development machine. Run the SmartThings CLI command below to start an interactive CLI session. The CLI will display a list of your existing Cloud Connectors (also referred to as Schema apps), allowing you to select a Schema app from the list and update the associated Organization of the selected app:

    smartthings schema:update

    If you have not yet logged in to the CLI with a Samsung account, you will be prompted to do so when running the above command.

    If you are logged in to the CLI using a Samsung account that did not create the desired Cloud Connector, log out with smartthings logout. You will be prompted to sign in when running smartthings schema:update again.

  3. Select the desired Schema app from the list generated by the CLI.

  4. Select Edit Schema App from the interactive CLI list.

  5. Select Edit Organization from the interactive CLI list.

    If Edit Organization is not visible in the interactive CLI list and you are running v1.10+ of the CLI, ensure your Samsung account is associated with the Organization you wish to associate with the selected Schema app. If your account is not associated with more than a single Organization, Edit Organization will not appear in the interactive CLI list.

  6. Choose the desired Organization from the presented list.

  7. Select Finish editing Schema App.

  8. Select Finish and update Schema App to save your changes.

  9. Return to the Certification Console and refresh the page. Your Cloud Connector will appear in the “Connector details” dropdown option when viewing your Cloud Device product integration details. You are now ready to continue the Works with SmartThings certification process using your Cloud Connector.