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Bring Your Cloud Connected Devices to SmartThings

Cloud Connected Devices communicate with the SmartThings Cloud through a third-party cloud and the use of a Cloud Connector, allowing Cloud Connected Devices on your existing servers to integrate with the SmartThings platform.

SmartThings offers two options for bringing your Cloud Connected Devices to the SmartThings platform:

  • SmartThings Schema
  • SmartApps

Both methods require that you create a Cloud Connector using either a WebHook endpoint or AWS Lambda function. The connector functionality will depend on the type of cloud integration you build.

Using SmartThings Schema to Connect Your Devices


Your cloud must support OAuth 2.0 in order to use SmartThings Schema. Your Cloud Connector must also support various interaction types.

SmartThings Schema is the easiest method of integrating your cloud-to-cloud devices. SmartThings Schema defines the interactions (JSON payloads) between the SmartThings Cloud and your existing cloud.

SmartThings Schema allows your products to return their current state to your cloud, and to handle commands from SmartThings.

The diagram below helps visualize SmartThings platform interaction when using SmartThings Schema: schema-interaction

Using SmartApps to Connect Your Devices


Your Cloud does not need to support OAuth 2.0 when using SmartApps.

SmartApps offer a more customizable method for integrating your products with the SmartThings platform. They provide a method of building custom experiences, allowing you to create unique onboarding experiences, enhance Device functionality, and provide custom integrations with third-party services. Note that while a SmartApp can be used to integrate your Cloud Connected Device with the SmartThings platform, that is not the only function a SmartApp can perform.

This integration relies on a developer registering an HTTP Webhook URL or an AWS Lambda function in the Developer Workspace, which is then authorized to leverage the SmartThings platform APIs.

If your IoT solution involves the features of SmartThings Schema in addition to any of the following, we recommend using a SmartApp:

  • You need to access and control other SmartThings Devices.
  • You want to build a custom user experience in the SmartThings clients, such as in the SmartThings app.
  • You are building mixed-purpose applications that connect Devices and perform other functions.
  • Your users can trigger Scenes.
  • You want to allow your users to use location settings in your SmartApp.

The diagram below helps visualize SmartThings platform interaction when using a SmartApp: SmartApp Connector