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Test Your Edge Driver


The driver tests outlined below are currently only applicable to Zigbee and Z-Wave devices. Integration testing is not required, but can help identify and address bugs before deploying your driver to a Hub.

Integration tests are required for all WWST certification requests that involve a pull request against the SmartThingsEdgeDrivers public repository.

A test framework for drivers is provided to facilitate making changes to a driver while ensuring that an integration still functions properly. Because of the nature of the driver execution environment, the simplest way to test is by verifying that a given input message(s) produces the expected output message(s). There are two types of driver tests: message driver tests and coroutine tests.

A "message" driver test is essentially a simple series of "receive" messages (external source -> driver) that produce "send" messages (driver -> external source). These can then be listed in the expected sequence as a part of a "message_test" and it will verify that the sequence of messages is produced. Typically this type of test will be sufficient for most cases that don't involve timers, or validating values stored to the drivers datastore (i.e. persistent storage).

If you want to include more complex logic in how you determine what messages are expected, a coroutine test which allows you define a function that will be run as a coroutine that will have a chance to execute whenever your driver would normally make a call to select to wait for a "receive" message. You can then intersperse calls to integration_test.wait_for_events() to return control to the driver to let it process "receive" messages and generate expected "send" messages before it naturally returns to the select call to wait for more input, where your test function will resume execution for its next block. Note that a "message" driver test is converted to a coroutine test for actual execution, it is just provided as a potentially simpler interface if it is preferred.

Setting Up a Driver Test

Begin by requiring the unit test framework. This will provide some global functions that can be used for running the tests as well as mock out and override the input/output message streams that are normally used for driver communication. This can be done by requiring the test file:

-- Import the integration test module to override input/output streams
require "integration_test"

Test Devices

The next step for most tests is to define the devices that will be running in your driver. Unless you have a lot of unique behavior, the primary thing you will need to define is the devices "profile" which consists of the components that the device has as well as the capabilities that each of those components support. The simplest option is to use one of the profiles you already have defined in your package. This can be done using the test_utils.get_profile_definition("profile-file-name.yml") call available in integration_tests.utils. It is also common to use a protocol specific helper for creating these devices such as integration_test.build_test_zigbee_device(device_template).

Finally, add these devices to the driver you are testing. This can be done using integration_test.add_test_device(device). However, because these devices will be reset in between each test, you will want to use a test_init function. Below is an example that will set up a test Zigbee device for a single test:

local test = require "integration_test"
local t_utils = require "integration_test.utils"

local mock_simple_device = test.mock_device.build_test_zigbee_device( { profile = t_utils.get_profile_definition("test-profile.yml") } )

Once you have your mock device, there are a number of helper methods available on the device that can be used to make writing tests easier. Most commonly used is mock_device:generate_test_message(component_id, capability_event) to generate a test capability event message coming from the device. See the test method examples below for usage.

Another use of the mock device includes the get_field and set_field functions that are present on the true device object to set or read fields during a test to control the behavior of the driver under test. Here is a simple example verifying that a field is set as expected:

"On command should set status field to "on"",
test.socket.zigbee:__queue_receive({, clusters.OnOff.attributes.OnOff:build_test_attr_report(mock_device, true)})
assert(mock_device:get_field("status") == "on", "Status should be on after on attribute report")

There are also a few different options for using the mock device object to generate either expected output of the driver or drive input to trigger the driver to act. First is the mock_device:expect_metadata_update(metadata) which can be used if you are expecting your driver to change some information about the device. And in the other direction if you want to simulate some of your devices data being changed by an outside source you can use mock_device:generate_info_changed(changed_values) to build a message that can be queued to be received on the device_lifecycle channel. Here is a simple snippet using both of these concepts:

"A preference value changed should update the profile",
test.socket.device_lifecycle:__queue_receive(mock_device:generate_info_changed({ preferences { myPreference = 1 } }))
mock_device:expect_metadata_update({ profile = "new-profile" })

Visit the Edge Device Driver Reference for integration-testing classes.

Environment Preparation

Some protocols depend on certain environment info in order for the driver to execute as expected. Depending on your test, it may be necessary to populate this information in the test environment.

The most common case where this is necessary is having access to the hub's Zigbee EUI which is necessary for configuring reporting for newly joined devices. One option is to use an environment_info message to populate this. If you don't care about that as a part of your test, you can make a call to zigbee_test_utils.prepare_zigbee_env_info() once within your test file to pre-populate the test driver with this necessary information before running any of the tests in the file.


It is common to want to do some repeated work at the start of every test (e.g. add a test device to your test driver). This can be done by setting up a test_init function.

There are two ways to accomplish this. The first, and most common, is using a shared function within your test file. This can be done by calling integration_test.set_test_init_function(your_init_function). The function you provide here will be called before every test.

Below, we continue with our earlier example by adding a test device before every test:

local test = require "integration_test"
local t_utils = require "integration_test.utils"
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"

local mock_simple_device = test.mock_device.build_test_zigbee_device({ profile = t_utils.get_profile_definition("test-profile.yml") })

local function test_init()


And now every test you register will have that device available.

The second way you can provide this initialization is via the opts table within the test registration to override the global init just described, and provide a specific init for just one test. This will be described in more detail below in opts.

Message Driver Tests

A message driver test verifies that given a set of inputs ("receive" messages) the driver produces the correct set of outputs ("send" messages) in the correct order. A common example of this is the driver receiving a protocol message (e.g. a Zigbee message from the radio) for a device, and the driver sending out a capability attribute event for the device. Or, the driver receives a capability command for a device, and the driver sends out a protocol message. Below are examples of each for a Zigbee bulb.

Zigbee radio message -> capability attribute event:

local test = require "integration_test"
local t_utils = require "integration_test.utils"
local clusters = require "st.zigbee.zcl.clusters"
local OnOffCluster = clusters.OnOffCluster
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"
local zigbee_test_utils = require "integration_test.zigbee_test_utils"

local mock_simple_device = test.mock_device.build_test_zigbee_device({ profile = t_utils.get_profile_definition("test-profile.yml") })

"Reported on off status should be handled: on",
channel = "zigbee",
direction = "receive",
message = {, OnOffCluster.attributes.OnOff:build_test_attr_report(mock_simple_device,
true) }
channel = "capability",
direction = "send",
message = mock_simple_device:generate_test_message("main", capabilities.switch.switch.on())


Capability command -> Zigbee radio message:

local test = require "integration_test"
local t_utils = require "integration_test.utils"
local clusters = require "st.zigbee.zcl.clusters"
local LevelControlCluster = clusters.LevelControlCluster
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"
local zigbee_test_utils = require "integration_test.zigbee_test_utils"

local mock_simple_device = test.mock_device.build_test_zigbee_device({ profile = t_utils.get_profile_definition("test-profile.yml") })

"Capability command setLevel should be handled",
channel = "capability",
direction = "receive",
message = {, { capability = "switchLevel", command = "setLevel", args = { 57, 0 } } }
channel = "zigbee",
direction = "send",
message = {, LevelControlCluster.commands.client.MoveToLevelWithOnOff(mock_simple_device,
math.floor(57 * 0xFE / 100),
0) }



The message test also takes an optional third argument opts which can be used to set additional controls for the test.


The inner_block_ordering argument defaults to "strict", but can be set to "relaxed". To understand this argument, first we can define what a "block" of messages is. In general the message tests will be broken into a series of "blocks" each of which is 1 "receive" message (i.e. external stimulus) followed by any number (0 included) of "send" messages (output).

The inner_block_ordering set to relax specifically means that within a given block, the "send" messages must all be sent, but can be sent in any order. This is primarily needed in tests where a single "receive" message results in many "send" messages, but those "send" messages are created within the driver by iterating over a table. Because iterating over a table does not have a guaranteed order, we relax our test expectations to require all messages be sent, but not the order. Important to note is that the order of the blocks themselves will still be strictly in the order they are presented. Below is an example of a test using this option:

local test = require "integration_test"
local t_utils = require "integration_test.utils"
local clusters = require "st.zigbee.zcl.clusters"
local LevelControlCluster = clusters.LevelControlCluster
local OnOffCluster = clusters.OnOffCluster
local capabilities = require "st.capabilities"
local zigbee_test_utils = require "integration_test.zigbee_test_utils"

local mock_simple_device = test.mock_device.build_test_zigbee_device({ profile = t_utils.get_profile_definition("test-profile.yml") })

"Configuration Capability Command should configure device",
channel = "environment_update",
direction = "receive",
message = { "zigbee", { hub_zigbee_id = base64.encode(zigbee_test_utils.mock_hub_eui) } },
channel = "device_lifecycle",
direction = "receive",
message = {, "added" },
channel = "capability",
direction = "receive",
message = {,
{ capability = "configuration", command = "configure", args = {} }
channel = "zigbee",
direction = "send",
message = {,
channel = "zigbee",
direction = "send",
message = {,
OnOffCluster.attributes.OnOff:configure_reporting(mock_simple_device, 0, 300)
channel = "zigbee",
direction = "send",
message = {,
channel = "zigbee",
direction = "send",
message = {,
LevelControlCluster.attributes.CurrentLevel:configure_reporting(mock_simple_device, 1, 3600, 1)
inner_block_ordering = "relaxed"



Additionally, you can set the field test_init in the options to a function. This function will replace the global test init <test_init> function for just this test. This would allow you to set up a different device for an individual test, or otherwise manage test specific setup.

Coroutine Tests

If you prefer the syntax of writing a function as a test, or you need to interact with datastores or timers, you can use a "coroutine" test. All "message" tests can be described as a coroutine test, but you have some additional control in this test format. Coroutine tests still work largely in the format of:

  • Set up input (often a "receive" message, but could also be a timer expiring)
  • Expect output, return control to the driver.

The primary way to set up input is queueing a message to be received on a certain "channel" that your driver is subscribed to.

The syntax for this is:


or for a concrete example:


And similarly you can set up the expected output from your driver:




Putting these together into a simple test:

"my test",
mock_simple_device:generate_test_message("main", capabilities.switch.switch.on())


{ capability = "switch", command = "on", args = {} }

This is a simple test that will verify first that given a Zigbee "On" report, a capability event for switch.switch = on is generated, then, will verify that a capability command of switch.switch.on will result in the expected Zigbee command. This example could be expressed as a "message" test, but shows the equivalent in a "coroutine" test.


The coroutine test also takes an optional third argument opts which can be used to set additional controls for the test.


You can set the field test_init in the options to a function. This function will replace the global test init <test_init> function for just this test. This would allow you to set up a different device for an individual test, or otherwise manage test specific setup.

Zigbee add_hub_to_zigbee_group

For drivers that have the permission to allow them to add the SmartThings hub to a specific Zigbee group, you may also want the ability to test that this works as expected. This is done by an additional expect function available on the Zigbee test socket. Specifically you can use __expect_add_hub_to_group(group_id) to queue the expect before you would expect your driver under test to send the command.

This test will verify that upon receipt of the binding table read response, the hub will be added to a group based off a value in that response. This would be device specific behavior, but the method for testing the call to add the hub to a group is generic.

Test Completion

Because the standard libraries' default implementation will set up some periodic timers for drivers, and because drivers are "long running" (i.e. they behave as if the code is always running), we need to know when a test is done so that we can stop the driver being tested from running indefinitely, and move on to the next test. This is determined by having "no more work" to do. Practically, this means that if the driver under test checks to see if it has any more input to process (typically either a received/input message to process or an expired timer, or the test function coroutine has not completed), and there is none, the test will be considered complete. We can then verify that all expectations were fulfilled and return control to the test code to run the next test.


Timers are a common use case for driver execution. Whether they are a timer that gets set up automatically on startup to run every X seconds, or upon receiving some input you want to delay 2 seconds before doing the next action, we need a way to handle these within driver tests. Because there may be timers created automatically by the standard libraries, but we don't want those to interfere with tests, the default behavior for a driver creating a timer (either call_on_schedule or call_with_delay from the test environment is to return a timer that will never fire. In addition, because of the way timer handling works, if you want behavior other than the above, you must define the timer before the driver requests it so that it can be returned to the driver as the correct "timer" object.

The timer object can be completely customized if it is necessary, however, in most cases using the helper functions to create some standard template timers. The most common of these will be the "time advance timer" which is a mock timer that will automatically "fire" after mock time is advanced by a certain amount. Below is a basic example:

"timer test",
-- create a mock timer that will automatically fire after mock time moves forward 100 seconds
test.timer.__create_and_queue_test_time_advance_timer(100, "oneshot")

-- Add whatever queue'd input will result in a call to `call_with_delay` which will be returned the
-- above timer

-- let the driver run

-- Advance mock time by 100 seconds

-- Add whatever expects for the results of the timer firing here

In this case we create a "oneshot" timer (used with call_with_delay) that will be returned the next time the driver requests a timer of that type. Once that timer is created and prepped, the test should set up the driver to be in the necessary state to request that timer. The test yields to let the driver run and request the test. Then, because the timer we created was a time advance timer, it will automatically "fire" from the drivers perspective once test time is advanced by 100 seconds. So we make the call to advance time, and then we would set up whatever expectations we have of the driver given that the timer will fire.

Below is an example of a timer test:

"set color command test",
test.timer.__create_and_queue_test_time_advance_timer(2, "oneshot")
{ capability = "colorControl", command = "setColor", args = { { hue = 50, saturation = 50 } } } })
local hue = math.floor((50 * 0xFE) / 100.0 + 0.5)
local sat = math.floor((50 * 0xFE) / 100.0 + 0.5)



In this example, we test receiving a colorControl.setColor command from the cloud for a Zigbee bulb. In this case we will immediately send an on command and a command to move the bulb to the correct hue and saturation, however, we also want to send a read to get the updated device values. But because the bulb will go through a transition phase, that read is delayed by two seconds.

If a more generic timer is needed, the function timer_api.__create_and_queue_generic_timer = function(ready_check_func, timer_class) is available. Provide a function that will be called repeatedly to determine if a timer is ready to fire and return true/false. This check may be called multiple times before the timer itself is actually handled; it is recommended that your check function use the self.__handled value which will not be true until the timer has actually been returned to the driver to be handled.