LAN Edge Device Driver Development Guide
SmartThings Edge Device Drivers introduce the ability to write far more specialized integrations for Hub Connected Devices. If your device has a local network API, an Edge Driver will allow you to integrate your device into the SmartThings Platform.
Before reading this guide, be sure to review the Getting Started guide and Writing Your First Lua Driver to better understand the content presented here.
LAN drivers can be much more complicated than Zigbee or Z-Wave drivers due to there being little standardization in how LAN device communication works. This means that SmartThings is able to offer fewer libraries that handle translation to and from Capability definitions and network messages. Most devices will have some level of custom protocol implementation required.
Basic Network Sockets
At the lowest level, your driver will be interacting with the physical
devices on your network via sockets. We provide a
LuaSocket-like api which
provides a POSIX socket interface. Previous experience in socket
programming using functions like bind
, send
, receieve
, and
on TCP and UDP sockets can come in handy.
This is a reimplementation of the lowest level APIs made to support network access across our sandbox boundary. Currently, we have nearly full API support, but some interfaces are not fully supported. See the socket API reference for more details on which APIs aren't supported. If you have a strong need for anything that's not currently supported or encounter anything in the API that doesn't seem to match the behavior you see from LuaSocket, please let us know.
Providing this API gives a few key benefits. Besides being a known complete and useful API, it means that you may be able to use existing Lua libraries or, if none exist, it allows you to do all initial development in whatever tools you'd like fully locally on your own system.
We suggest you start development of all LAN Edge Device Drivers by creating a basic library for your device that supports:
Discovering one or more devices on the network from one or more already known unique device IDs. Usually done using SSDP, mDNS, or some other multicast/broadcast network request.
Providing some sort of handle to an individual device that provides:
- Functions to send standard requests such as "on" and "off" for a basic bulb.
- Supporting features such as automatic re-connection and re-discovery if, for example, the device's IP address has changed.
This allows you to develop a library for reliable communication with your device that is useful both inside and outside of the SmartThings ecosystem.
Programming Model
Responses to network requests, even on you local network, don't come back instantaneously. This is especially true in cases like network errors or sending requests to offline devices. In these circumstances, devices may fall back to timeouts which can be many seconds long.
Additionally, due to the low amount of resources available to Edge Drivers, a driver must handle all of its responsibilities from a single OS thread.
This means that code written to rely on standard blocking socket APIs will almost certainly lead to strange latency issues like popcorning when turning on more than one light/switch at a time. To remedy this, we can use non-blocking sockets. These are sockets that instead of blocking your program when no progress can be made, return an error that tells you to try again later. Non-blocking sockets solve the popcorning problem, but writing code that directly uses non-blocking sockets is difficult to get right and makes for more complicated drivers.
Thanks to Lua's support of coroutines, it is possible to create an interface that looks like the standard blocking socket interface, but by using non-blocking sockets is able to block only a single coroutine. Edge Drivers take advantage of this support to provide such an interface.
When your code is running in an Edge Driver, all socket operations
should use the socket interface provided by the cosock
. This API passes through all documented LuaSocket APIs
exactly as-is. The one exception is when a call returns a timeout
error, in which case it yields the current coroutine until a call to
indicates that the socket is ready, at which point the
coroutine is resumed and continues executing exactly as if it had been
blocked by a standard blocking socket operation.
The Driver
framework will run each of your event callbacks in a
coroutine dedicated to a particular device. This means you do not need
to worry about an error connecting to one device preventing control of
another. You also do not have to worry about what happens when an event
comes in while you're waiting for a device to respond to you. Events
are inherently processed in order only after the last event has been
This means that things like handling retries can be implemented as a straightforward loop in a single function. This makes most IoT device communication patterns very simple. Below, we take a look at some of the most common communication patterns.
Devices utilizing a RESTful HTTP API are the most common LAN devices on the SmartThings Platform today. LAN devices are a great place to start thanks to their wide-spread use, and for their use of short lived network operations and distinct client or server roles.
For all of the code contained in this section, assume we are inside the
Capability command handler for the on
command of a switch
local cosock = require "cosock"
-- `cosock.asyncify` works like `require` but swaps out any sockets
-- created to be cosock sockets. This is important because we
-- are running inside of a command handler.
local http = cosock.asyncify "socket.http"
-- ltn12 is a module provided by luasocket for interacting with
-- data streams, we need to use a "source" to populate a request
-- body and a "sink" to extract a response body
local ltn12 = require "ltn12"
local ip = device.ip -- found previously via discovery
local port = device.port -- found previously via discovery
local url = string.format("http://%s:%s/switch", ip, port)
local body
for i=1,3 do
local body_t = {}
-- performs a POST because body parameter is passed
local success, code, headers, status = http.request({
url = url,
-- the `string` source will fill in our request body
source = ltn12.source.string("on"),
-- The `table` sink will add a string to a list table
-- for every chunk of the request body
sink = ltn12.sink.table(body_t),
-- The create function allows for overriding default socket
-- used for request. Here we are setting a timeout to 5 seconds
create = function()
local sock = cosock.socket.tcp()
return sock
if not success and code ~= "timeout" then
local err = code -- in error case second param is error message
error(string.format("error while setting switch status for %s: %s",,
elseif code ~= 200 then
error(string.format("unexpected HTTP error response from %s: %s",,
elseif code == 200 then
body = table.concat(body_t)
-- loop if timeout
Direct Socket Protocols
Edge Drivers also support devices that use lower level and custom protocols, as long as the protocol is based on TCP or UDP. The following sections will show how to do this with a few of the most common patterns.
Persistent TCP Connection
One of the most common low-level patterns encountered in household IoT devices is what SmartThings refers to as a TCP line protocol. This is where a TCP connection is established with a device and commands are sent as text, often as JSON, followed by a newline character. Replies from the device are sent in the same manner. Sometimes asynchronous event notifications are also sent by the device to any currently connected sockets when a state is changed, such as when a bulb is turned on via a directly connected mobile app or a message from its manufacturer's cloud.
It is possible to connect to devices using UDP sockets.
TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a network protocol that can be used to secure basic network sockets. TLS is supported with a re-implementation of the LuaSec API. There are a few subtle differences to notice; see the reference for more information.
Server Applications
All of the examples so far have assumed that the SmartThings Hub is acting as a network client to a device's server. While this is the most common way devices operate historically, it is not the only option.
There is currently a limitation in calls to bind
that only allow you
to bind to port 0. This means you cannot specify which port you
bind to, and can only request that a port is assigned randomly. The
value of this port will be random each time your script is restarted.
This limitation is in place to prevent two scripts interfering with each
other by both trying to bind to the same port. This limitation means that
your device will need to have some sort of discovery mechanism to discover the server's port and ip.