Added SmartThings Schema App-to-App Linking documentation. This feature allows users to authenticate their account on your platform with their SmartThings account when your app and the SmartThings app are installed on the user's mobile device.
SmartThings Schema is now supported by the Certification Console. Learn more about submitting Cloud Connected Devices built with SmartThings Schema for Works with SmartThings certification here.
When linking accounts using SmartThings Schema, you must display an authorization page to the user that explicitly requires the user to tap on an authorization button to proceed with the cloud-to-cloud account linking flow. Learn more in the SmartThings Schema section.
Updated WWST certification Required Capabilities to reflect that firmwareUpdate is not supported or required for Z-Wave devices.
Updated Interaction Types to reflect that if your cloud connected device is deleted, offline, or unavailable, you must you must send the appropriate DEVICE-DELETED, DEVICE-OFFLINE or DEVICE-UNAVAILABLE device error enum as part of the command response, device state callback, and state refresh.
The Certification by Reference (CxR) program is now called Certification by Similarity (CbS). The CbS program allows device manufacturers seeking WWST certification for multiple products with similar functionality to save time and money. Visit Certification by Similarity to learn more.
Edge Driver Reference documentation updated to support Hubcore v0.49.
The new search parameters optional Edge Driver component can be used to control when a LAN driver runs discovery. Learn more in Driver Components and Structure.
Upon sending a SmartThings Schema callback request, you will now receive a 202 accepted status indicating your request is being processed (previously you would receive a 204 confirmation status). If an error occurs during processing, you will receive a corresponding error code and interaction result.
Documented the new allowed list property you may encounter in the response payload from a request to a SmartThings API entity. This list contains action identifiers that provide information about what actions are permitted by the requesting user’s authorization token.
New SmartThings Edge capability event metadata section added to the Edge Device Driver Reference. These additional, optional fields can be specified for a capability event on creation.
The state_change field allows you to explicitly inform the platform that an event, such as a double button press, is a state change.
The visibility field allows some control over how the event is displayed and stored by SmartThings
Clarified the behavior of Rules when controlling multiple devices.
Documented the existing 100 character limit for Rule names.